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Dec 22, 2010

Nitte International School

NITTE International School in 20 acres of North Bangalore is a residential cum boarding school. It is a relatively new school and follows the CBSE syllabus. It's founder is the renowed late Justice Hedge.

Syllabus: CBSE from Class 1 and mix of Montessori in Nursery and Kindergarten
Location: Nitte International School
P.O Box No. 6429.
#12, Mylappaanahalli,
Bangalore North - 560064.

Phone: 0091-80-65684111,22167810,28561585,25563616.
Mobile: 00-91-972375240 , 00-91-9886600843.
Email : nitte.school@gmail.com

Website: www.nis.ac.in
Classes: Nursery till 12th
Boarding: Available
Lunch and Breakfast options available

Activities: Art, Dance, Theater, Swimming (yet to start), Yoga, Music, Crafts, Volleyball

Admission: No hassles of entrance or interviews. Just download the online application or get the application from the office for Rs.300 and submit with admission fees.

The infrastructure looks good from photos, how is the ground reality? Has anyone had experience with this school? Then do let us know.


  1. Am the student of one of top International School Chennai(my school) my father got transfer to Bangalore so we need to migrate to Bangalore immediately does admission process still continues in Nitte International School, or what would be the last date for admission, please reply

  2. Since it is a new school, probably they will have seats.

  3. I have my son in this school for the last one year and am a really satisfied parent. The staff are very warm and welcoming. My son is now going to the 1st standard. We checked out a lot of schools before selecting this one, the only minus for us is the distance, but my son got adjusted to the long commute quickly. The management is trying to do its best to provide good infrastructure. The fee structure is also very reasonable. The class strength is very less and so the attention each child gets is very good. Overall, its been a very pleasant experience so far for us!

    1. Hello,
      This post is quite old. Do you still have your son studying in this school. If so, how do you rate the school now. Can you please put in your review here.

    2. Hi, can u pls review the school right now, iam taking admission for my son in 1st std, I just wanted to know the school fb immd, pls

  4. What about the fees amount in NITTE International school?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Vivek,
    I am in the same state. Have the same schools on my shortlist. Where did you finally put your kid?


  7. We visited this school for my 2.5 year old daughter and decided not to send her for the simple reason of up keep of the school. The moment you enter the building the toilets stink. The water stations are way old and dirty. I just hope the water atleast is clean for the children. The furniture for the kinder garden is so dirty, since the school is boarding as well the classrooms are used by the care taker kids to Play. We even ended up encountering chameleons near the classroom.

  8. HI Madhu,
    Did you finalize the school?

  9. Replies
    1. Why it is worst school I am looking for my son's admission for the next academic year in NITTE

    2. Why it is worst school I am looking for my son's admission for the next academic year in NITTE


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