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Dec 9, 2009

Update on New Horizon Gurukul

The school which is to start functioning from 2010 has started with a fee- structure of 48K+ as tution fees and 40K as admission fees. Extra for transport.
( I am sorry about the fees, I had made a mistake while typing,3 instead of 4, thanks to the user for correcting me).

Forum and group:
A parent has created a forum and yahoogroup for those interested to discuss on New Horizon Gurukul.



  1. Hi, With admission season for nursery coming to an end, I suggest that you start posting other news related to schools (like the prices won by schools in various national and international events and other news about the blr schools in the media) which will keep your website live going forward. It will help a lot of parents in deciding their schools for next year

  2. Hi,

    Any information on the standard of education and facilities, fees, etc, at Amrita Vidyalaya, Bangalore?

  3. I was told that the fees is 48K for LKG

  4. Thanks for correcting the fees. It's my mistake.

  5. Hi Nitin,
    You can find a post on Amrita Vidyalayam shortly.
    Thanks to you, a good school would have been missed out.

  6. Thanks Rita!

    In the mean time, I did some of my own research on this school and found out some wonderful things. The most interesting thing was a concept called E-learning, which allows kids to learn at their own speed. For example, if the child finds maths tough, the computer program makes note of it and slows down the teaching to adapt to the kids speed and if the child is good in science, for example, speeds up the teaching of that subject, which I thought was just wonderfully thoughtful. Also, seems each kid is expected to dedicate compusarily about 4 hrs in a week for an extracarricular activity. Also, they celebrate all Indian festivals, which I thought was nice. The pre-KG fee is just about 5K plus books and uniform and transport. I gathered all this info by going there. Admissions have already opened. We've been called for interview on Dec 30th. The criteria for Pre-K admission is on first-come basis.

  7. Hi Nitin,

    Thanks for the info... looks like the kind of school i am looking for... But, you are talking about Amrita Vidyala or New Horizon Gurukul?

  8. Hi Ranjita,
    Nitin has been posting about Amrita Vidyalayam.

  9. We had approached this school for admissions for a kid last year and they quoted 75k admission fee and 75k development fee last year.


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