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Jan 3, 2010

Home remedy and a Happy New Year!

Wishing all readers a very happy new year. Ushering in more happiness, joy and peace into everyone's lives in the years to come.

It's the time of the year when everyone's just out of the holiday mood. Snuggling under bed covers and having a time of flus and cold. Since this site has readers with kids, it just made me feel right to post on a home remedy I use for cold.

It was sometime that I read about this, and have applied it since with good effect. If anyone has a cold, be it adult or child, I use Vicks Vapo rub or any balm for that matter. Instead of applying it in the regions of the nose and chest, I apply the balm to the region underneath both the feet at night. Children sleep soundly.

When I apply it in the nose and chest regions, I feel those regions get heated more and varying heat regions are created. When I apply in the feet, there is heat regulation throughout the body.

Another tip that I learnt recently was for cough. If anyone is suffering from cough, then you hold your pointer finger in the space between your nostrils and upperlip. Press gently, then massage clockwise (about 5-7 cycles), press again and massage gently in the anti-clockwise direction. This can be done to kids at night.

Do you try any other home remedies, do share it with us.

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