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Oct 2, 2010

Safety structures at Vyasa School

I had already mentioned in an earlier post regarding the disputed land of Vyasa International School. Seems to be that the case is still in court.

Construction work was going on nearby and the 150 or so students were at risk. So finally safety structures have been put in place and kids are now safer.

More on Vyasa International School.


  1. Hi gud eve.

    I would like to inform you people that your sports day was nice and Gud.
    but u could have done more better. i am not satisfied with the dress materials and the cost, that dress is not worth paying 1200/- or rent 750/- for those. the children were sitting in the hot sun make sure u arrange that it for the next time.
    Pl make sure your teachers were proper dress up and hair pinned.

    hope these many changes will be done and corrected for the next event.

  2. Hey hi.................

    The dress is so bad that they cant wear it for anything this school is money minded for each and everything one circular will be sent trough dairy and thing pay for dress.

    Ok we pay and get this kind of dress. Their promises is very big but no use @ vyasa they know to speak well. Teacher cant hear properly.

    The trip was not gone as they scheduled. my child is telling me that what ever the principal wanted to see they were taken to that place.

  3. Hi!They had an interschool football basketball tournament in August this year and it was amazing. So well organized.there were many schools and everything was well planned. Got to meet Mr IM vijayan too who was one of the chief Guests .looking forward for the tournament next year!


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