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Jul 3, 2009

Bethany High

Started by Mignon David, Bethany High School has a good reputation and is a school from old times. You can find the history in the schools website.
They also have a primary section and a newly started child-care center.

Syllabus: ICSE
Location: Bethany High, # CA -12, 20th Main, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560 095.
Website: http://www.bethanyhigh.net/

Admission: Admission forms are posted in the website in December. Keep watching out for it. It seems getting admission is a tough task here. Lots of applications, you need a high profile recommendation it looks like.

Activities: Lots of co-curricular activities.
Fees: Seems to be around 30K.


  1. I heard that they have started issuing app. forms.

  2. can i get the details of the childcare centre.
    do they have a creche facility


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